Saturday Sept 28th, 2024
Grand Ball Room (projection room 1)
8am to 9:50am- Opening ceremony
9:00am to 10:50am- Russ Scruggs (UFO close encounter of the bitterroot)
10:00am to 10:50am- James Jones history and haunts of theaters in Montana
11:00am to 11:50am- Shelley Simpkins Kruckenberg her life in the paranormal
12:00pm to 12:50pm- Night owl podcasts
1:00pm to 1:50pm – Jim Harold from Jim harold Campfire stories
2pm to 3:50pm- Clark Chateau ghost investigation
4:00pm to 4:50pm –Robyn Condon – Dumas Brothel
5:00pm to 5:50pm- Stellar paranormal
6:00pm to 6:50pm- Costume contest or dinner
7:00pm to 7:50pm- Micheal Mesmer His life in the paranormal
8:00pm to 9:00pm- Jason McLean His life in the paranormal
9pm to midnight or late ghost tours at hotels or Chris Fisk event. Meet in lobby by 9pm.
Sunday sept 29th
Grand ball room (projection room 1)
8am to 9:50am- James jones and George Tuxbury – the influence of music in the paranormal
9:00am to 10:50am- Bozeman paranormal society
10:00am to 10:50am- Markus Welle His life in the paranormal
11:00am to 11:50am- Spirit seekers Patrick Keller
12:00pm to 12:50pm Zandrew and paranormal group
1pm to 1:50pm Break
2pm to 2:50pm - Clark Chateau ghost investigation
3:00pm to 3:50pm-closing ceremony
Saturday Sept 28th
Gallery (projection room 2
8am to 9:50am- Equipment used for ghost investigations and basics from more detailed by Danny
9:00am to 10:50am- PSIIRELAND
10:00am to 10:50am- Paranormal science investigations PSI
11:00am to 11:50am- Jill McIntyre- spirituality/ paganism/ wicca similarities and differences
12:00pm to 12:50pm- George Tuxbury- matrixing and paradolia
1:00pm to 1:50pm – lunch (Jim Harold upstairs)
2pm to 3:50pm- Clark Chateau ghost investigation
4:00pm to 4:50pm –wandering souls paranormal
5:00pm to 5:50pm- travelers paranormal
6:00pm to 6:50pm- dinner or costume contest on grand ballroom
7:00pm to 7:50pm- Sarah Dean- life as a ghost tour guide
8:00pm to 8:50pm Gaberial Outfutt- skepticism vs belief: a rational midpoint
9pm to midnight or late ghost tours at Plantasoaurers or Chris Fisk event. Meet in lobby by 9pm
Sunday Sept 29th
Gallery (projection room 2)
8am to 9:50am- Ruth Roper Wylde Her paranormal experiences and the book she is writing
9:00am to 10:50am- Cork supernatural paranormal
10:00am to 10:50am- Joe Grimm learn about what his paranormal experiences are
11:00am to 11:50am- break
12:00pm to2:50pm - Clark Chateau ghost investigation
3:00pm to 3:50pm-Closing ceremony
Saturday sept 28th 2024
Seance room (dining room)
8am to 8:50am- Lewiston paranormal or break
9:00am to 9:50am- protections and how to protect and questions on protections by Bozeman paranormal society
10:00am to 10:50am-haunted objects with Bozeman paranormal society
11:00am to 11:50am- Ellen Baulmer seance with Bozeman paranormal society
12:00pm to 12:50pm- Lodge tales talks about elementals
1:00pm to 1:50pm – Lunch (Jim Harold upstairs)
2pm to 3:50pm- Clark Chateau-ghost investigation
4:00pm to 4:50pm –how to debunk by Bozeman paranormal member Danny an james
5:00pm to 5:50pm- Meet and greet some of the speaking guests ask them questions
6:00pm to 6:50pm- Costume contest or dinner break up on the grand ballroom
7:00pm to 7:50pm- Mary Alice -canine crypto zoology more than werewolfs
8:00pm to 9:00pm- Marketta Turner Dowsing rods
9pm to midnight or late ghost tours at plantauers or Chris Fisk event. Meet in lobby by 9pm.
Sunday 29th Seance room (dining room)
8am to 9:50am- Ellen Baumler seance part 2 with Bozeman paranormal society
9:00am to 10:50am- Ask us about ufos Bozeman Paranormal and Russ
10:00am to 10:50am- Black eye children what are they with Bozeman paranormal society
11:00am to 11:50am- sharing experiences by Danny
12:00pm to2:50pm - Clark Chateau ghost investigation
3:00pm to 3:50pm-closing ceremony
Ballroom 1 1st floor
Saturday Sept 28th
8am to 8:50am – James Jones SR
9:00am to 9:50am –Janet Burke
10am to 10:50am – Dweller in the cellar Paranormal investigations (Bobby Brown)
11am to 11:50am Blackfoot paranormal
12pm to 12:50pm- Seeking truth paranormal
1:00pm to 1:50pm Jim Harold upstairs or lunch
2pm to 3:50pm ghost hunting Clark Chateau and Covellite Theatre
4pm to 5pm Lodge tales- cryptid creatures
4pm to 6pm meet Russ and Stellar and Bozeman paranormal to go ufo viewing
6pm to 6:50pm Dinner or costume contest up on the grand ballroom
7pm to 7:50pm Montana vortex
8pm to 9pm- Tony Hoffman
9pm to midnight or late ghost tours at Plantasoaurers or Chris Fisk event. Meet in lobby by 9pm.
Ball room 1
Sunday Sept 29th
8am to 9am – Difference between paranormal investigations and Ghost hunting with speaking guests.
9am to 9:50am- Sitings of UFOs in MT with Russ and Stellar and Bozeman paranormal society
10am to 10:50am – Divination paranormal
11am to 11:50am – Difference between paranormal investigations and Ghost hunting with speaking guests.
12pm to 12:50pm- Top ghost hunting locations of Montana with speaking guests or Sam Debris
1pm to 1:50pm – How to start a ghost investigation group by speaking guest's tips and tricks
2pm to 2:50pm- Ghost hunt
3pm to 3:50pm- Closing ceremony up on grand ball room
Covellite theater Saturday sept 28th
10am- 10:50am –Gaberial Outfutt- Ghosts in traditional Christianity
11:00am to 11:50am- Capital Paranormal
12pm to 12;50pm- Paranormal security 9886
1pm to 1:50pm- Dead Rabbit radio
2:00pm to 4pm Ghost hunting
4pm to 6pm Ghostbusters movie
at 9pm or meet at the lobby at the Clark Chateau at 9pm for plantatasaurs or Chris Fisk tours